How Southern California General & Prime Contractor Simplifies Complex Union and Prevailing Wage Requirements with Miter

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Lori Cardoza
Company Profile
General & Prime Construction, Concrete
95 employees
Working in
  • CA

Executive Summary

Inland Building Construction, a multi-generational general contractor in Southern California, faced challenges with inefficient manual processes and legacy systems when the new owner took the reins. By implementing Miter, they streamlined payroll, improved accuracy, and empowered employees with self-service tools, ultimately saving over 4 hours per week on just payroll processing and positioning the company for continued growth.


  • Manual, time-consuming payroll process reliant on Excel spreadsheets and hand-keying data
  • Lack of communication between project management and accounting teams
  • Limited visibility for employees into their own payroll information
  • Managing multiple unions with different rates and classifications
  • Need for accurate certified payroll reporting for public works projects


  • Integrated Miter with Premier for seamless job costing
  • Introduced mobile app for employee time tracking and self-service functionality
  • Automated payroll tax payments and reporting


  • Saved 4+ hours per week on payroll processing
  • Improved accuracy by eliminating manual data entry
  • Enhanced employee experience with self-service portal for time tracking, pay stubs, and personal information updates
  • Streamlined union reporting and management
  • Gained ability to run payroll from anywhere, increasing flexibility for accounting team

Inland Building Construction, a flourishing multi-generational general contractor based in Southern California, has been laser focused on leveraging technology to drive growth and productivity. As a growing business managing complex union requirements and a diverse portfolio of public works projects, Inland needed a solution to streamline their back-office operations and support their ambitious plans for the future.

The Challenge

As Inland's workforce grew to take on more and more public works projects, their manual processes and legacy systems were pushed to the breaking point. Lori Cardoza, the company's owner, and Stacy Hernandez, the Accounting Manager, described a time-consuming and error-prone payroll process where project accountants were manually entering hours from handwritten timesheets, tracking down PTO and overtime, and manually keying it into their system.

“There was really a lack of communication between the project management team and the accounting side so when changes on projects would happen they had to fill out a piece of paper by hand and come bring it to my office or email it and if they forgot to fill out that piece of paper then these changes weren't being communicated to the accounting system…I was hand keying hundreds of entries weekl.”

Stacy Hernandez

Accounting Manager

The Solution

Inland turned to Miter, an all-in-one people management platform designed specifically for construction companies handling complex union and prevailing wage requirements. Miter's comprehensive suite of products, including Payroll & Compliance, Human Resources, Workforce Management, and Expense Management, allowed Inland to continue leveraging technology to grow their business.

The Results:

Key Outcome #1:

Dramatic Time and Cost Savings

Inland achieved remarkable efficiency gains with Miter by digitizing timesheets and connecting them to Miter's Payroll product. The company reduced the time spent on timesheet management and data entry significantly, allowing the accounting team to focus on more strategic tasks.

“Just between hand keying entries and auditing everybody's time before they were entering it themselves like it's a minimum of four hours [of time savings per week].”

Stacy Hernandez

Accounting Manager

Key Outcome #2:

Significantly Reduced Manual Errors

By automating data entry and integrating with their ERP software, Inland significantly reduced payroll errors. The seamless integration between Miter and Inland's accounting system ensures that every cent is accurately tied back to specific jobs and cost codes in real-time.

“Now we can just download and upload the data. There's not a whole lot of thinking involved, which is nice.”

Stacy Hernandez

Accounting Manager

Key Outcome #3:

Improved Employee Experience

Miter empowered Inland's employees with self-service capabilities. Instead of coming to the HR and accounting team with requests and questions, employees can get the answers they need whenever they need them.

“Now they can log in to their own little portal and see their check stubs. We never had that before. We were constantly getting emails and requests for check stubs. Now they can just go in their own portal and get whatever they need.”

Lori Cardoza


Key Outcome #4:

Streamlined Union Management

With a workforce split between two unions, Inland appreciated Miter's ability to handle multiple unions effortlessly. Miter simplified Inland's union processes and cut down on the manual work required to make key updates.

“It's very easy to handle the multiple unions, the rates, and the updates. You change it at the master file level, and it feeds to everybody who's part of that union based on their classification.”

Lori Cardoza


Key Outcome #5:

Enhanced Flexibility and Reporting

Miter's cloud-based platform has given Inland's team to run payroll from anywhere. The freedom and flexibility to access Miter from any device that can access the internet has been a game changer.

“I can be anywhere. I could be anywhere and process payroll.”

Stacy Hernandez

Accounting Manager


Implementing Miter has been transformative for Inland Building Construction. Miter not only solved immediate operational challenges but also laid the groundwork for the company's growth strategy. Lori summed up their experience: "Overall, we're happy. If there are any issues, they're always getting solved. With any software, you always constantly want it to grow and get better, and Miter is in that boat."

With Miter as their partner, Inland Building Construction is confidently building towards the next generation of growth and success.

Miter modules used
Payroll & Compliance
Human Resources
Workforce Management
Expense Management
Job Types
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Union Jobs
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Prevailing Wage Jobs

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