One simple platform for contractors to manage their expenses.
Get a demo Configure rules specifying which types of transactions require receipts.
Employees submit receipts and code transactions via the mobile app.
Set up automatic alerts reminding employees to upload receipts.
Connect your existing Visa, Mastercard, and AmEx cards to Miter in just a few clicks.
Allow your employees to tag their own transactions to the right job, cost code, and cost type.
Capture receipts seamlessly.
Employees can submit reimbursement requests via the mobile app.
Managers, supervisors, and admins can approve or deny expenses in just a few clicks.
Approved expenses get paid out via ACH - no paper checks or manual entry required.
Contractors of all sizes use Miter to manage people, projects, and payments, all in one place.
Miter partners with Stripe Payments Company for money transmission services and account services with funds held at Fifth Third Bank N.A., Member FDIC. Miter Visa Commercial cards are powered by Stripe and issued by Celtic Bank.